Nordland has a large population of white-tailed eagles, or Sea Eagles, which are present all year round. The majestic birds of prey are the lagest birds of prey in Norway and can have a wingspan of up to 2½ meters. The sea eagle is a protected in Norway and most Western European countries. At some point in the 1970s only 500 breeding couples were left in all of Western Europe. Fortunately, the population bounced back and Europe now has 9.000 to 12.000 breeding couples. A large portion of that lives in Norway.
Sea eagles pair for life. They are known for spectacular courtship displays, locking their talons together in-flight and tumbling towards the ground. They are very territorial and will often use the same nests year after year. The Nests are built on cliffs or high trees.
The white-tailed eagle is a bird of prey but it’s diet is varied, opportunistic and seasonal; it includes fresh and salt-water fish, birds and small mammals.
Sea Eagle Cruises from Svolvær
When you visit the Lofoten in the area of Svolvær, consider booking a sea cruise to view them from up close.
Organized tours in Rigid Inflatable Boats (RIB) depart from the quay in Svolvær. The tour operator will provide thermal suits and protective clothing. The RIBs go as far as Trollfjord to look for the birds and lure them by throwing fish in the water, providing excellent photo opportunities.

Sea cruise op RIB, Svolvær harbor